I Went to the Water

Elizabeth Gilbert recently reminded her readers of the healing powers of water in her post, Go To The Water. “When an animal in the wild has been injured, it has only two strategies for how to heal itself: it can rest, or it can go to the water.” I have always respected and utilized the ocean for its magical restorative powers. I have been in a funk lately. Although I craved a trip to the beach, I passed on all my opportunities to go. Gilbert’s post came at a perfect time. It reminded me that the ocean was precisely what I needed. And so I went to the water.

Throughout my life I have enjoyed a special kinship with the ocean. The beach is my favorite playground, where you can still find me splashing in tide pools and excitedly digging for shells. I have gone to the beach in the middle of the night and in the middle of winter, whenever I needed to see my friend and find peace in her majestic and powerful company. Water was precisely what I needed to restore my mood, motivation and to find inspiration.

And so I started my day with water. I drank water with lemon first thing. Then I meditated to the sound of crashing waves. Throughout the day I drank tea and plenty more water. I had ingested the water, and now it was time to go to the water. The beach was beautiful and nearly empty in early evening, especially after Labor Day. I raced across the sand and threw my things down, stripped off my shirt, and jogged into the ocean’s welcoming embrace.

healing powers of water

The transformation was instant, as if the water had purified me of the lingering negativity that had plagued me as of late. I swam and laughed and floated, submerged in the water. Afterward, I took a long walk in the shallows and enjoyed the waves as they lapped against my feet. I had no more cares. The water had washed them all away.

Gilbert recalled a quote from Isak Dinesan: “The cure for everything is salt water: tears, sweat, or the sea.” Isn’t it the truth?

First thing this morning I jogged, completing my 24 hours enjoying the healing powers of water. I had drank the water, I had felt the water, I had listened to the water, and lastly, I sweated the water.

I believe in water. And I am now healed.

bird on beach in ray of sun


What do you think?